From Intensive to Extensive Reading Expanding on Students ExpectationsFinalizado
12 septiembre 2014Compartir por email
Organiza: Centro de Pedagogías de Anticipación
Lugar: Av. Santa Fe 4360, Entrepiso, CABA
Fecha: 19/09 de 09:30 a 11:00 hs.
Destinatarios: Para docentes de inglés de Primaria y Secundaria y para docentes y estudiantes de Profesorados, que comprendan el inglés.
Actividad gratuita
A cargo de Veríssimo Toste
Based on the EFL classroom, this session will focus on encouraging students to take more responsibility for their learning. Change can be daunting, but these activities will guide students from being passive learners to becoming full participants in their learning. Through the use of readers, this session will provide concrete activities to help teachers empower their students, exposing them to more English in and outside the classroom.
Escuela de Capacitación Docente – Oficina de cursos
Av. Santa Fe 4360
4772 4028 / 4039 / 3768 int. 114 y 117
Lunes a viernes de 11 a 20 h