Education and Health (no longer active)


Purpose and objective of the programme

It was a joint project with Natalí Dafne Flexer Foundation and the itinerating
team of oncology pediatrics of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics (SAP). The programme
intended to encourage better care for children with cancer in public hospitals in the interior of the country.

It provided grants for the professional training of nurses working in oncology in the pediatric area of hospitals in the provinces and subsidies for the transportation of the SAP itinerating team.

Grants given

  • In 2002, two grants to pediatric nurses working in oncology in the interior: one for Vilela Hospital in Rosario and the other one for Iturraspe Hospital in Santa Fe. Both of them provided professional updating in Garrahan Hospital.
  • In 2003, a grant to a pharmacist from the Children’s Hospital in Jujuy, to be trained on the use of a sophisticated and highly complex �Laminar flow� unit which is used for the sterile fractioning of antineoplasic drugs and antibiotics.
  • In 2004, two new grants to pediatric nurses working in oncology in Tucumán Hospital and another one for professional training on catheterism also for the staff of the above mentioned hospital. These people also received training in Garraham Hospital.
  • In May and June 2005, two other grants for pediatric nurses working in oncology, Catamarca Hospital, again, these nurses attended training at Garrahan Hospital.
  • During 2006, Luminis Foundation worked with Natalie Dafne Flexer Foundation on the program �awareness and education on early prevention of cancer in children� the funds were used to publish a manual on timely diagnosis of cancer in children, a CD, an awareness poster and to reprint the book on Education.
  • During 2007, 3 grants for the professional development of nurses from the interior of the country. This programme is lead by Natalí Dafne Flexer Foundation and the itinerating team of SAP.