School for the Bicentenary Project


As of mid 2006, Luminis Foundation has been a donor as part of the Schools for the Bicentenary Project, together with the Argentine Business Association(AEA) and other foundations. This project is organized by the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIPE-UNESCO), the School of Education � Universidad de San Andres, AEA, the National Ministry of Education as well as the ministries of education of the provinces where the project is being implemented.

Schools for the Bicentenary�s objective is to improve education in public schools at primary level– EGB1 and 2/–, attended by children from the low income sectors in the country, and the institutes that train those teachers to systematize these experiences in a better model for school improvement generating improvement in public policies to a greater extent. It includes schools and ISFDs from Tucum�n, Chaco, Corrientes, Santa Cruz and Buenos Aires.

The action lines intend:

  • to improve students� health.
  • to improve school institutional management.
  • to improve main academic areas.
  • to improve management and the academic development of local Teacher Training Institutes.

Activities of the Foundation:

The main drivers for Teacher Training Institutes are:

    to contribute to improve management and relationship between Teacher Training Institutes and EGB schools in the different areas.

  • to strengthen pedagogical and training processes while developing teachers and graduates through teacher evaluation and assessment.

Action plan:

  • Management improvement
    This implies a diagnostic update for each institution to pay special attention to performance indicators and organizational status.

    • performance indicators evaluation of the training institute: repeatability, promotion, performance, duration of the career (comparing two cohorts if possible). Initial assessment of the students.
    • evaluation of the organizational conditions of the institutes (space-time, projects, institutional position and tasks, communication, government, institutional coordination and relationship system, etc.) and those training problems that are to be revised by the actors themselves.
  • Teaching improvement
    This will imply the teachers and the students undergoing training. In the first case, the plan includes teacher updating and training, in the second, to admit that practice is a tool for revision and analysis of the process and the education plan of the institution. Actions and results will be part of the tasks of the institution.

    • Teacher professional training
      Language and Maths teachers will be invited to training activities delivered by the central team.
    • Practice Revision
      This will be dealt with after the second year considering the problems, issues and questions arising, concerning teacher training in general and the training project in particular, its conditions and results.
  • Better health conditions
    Luminis Foundation is in charge of the deployment of the projects in its academic and technical aspects within ISFD (Teacher Training Institutes), just like the Infant Nutrition Research Centre (CESNI[E1]), which deals with nutrition and health related issues.

    • analysis of the teaching related work proposals and action lines concerning students� health.
    • development of a work plan with 2nd and 3rd year students in order to raise awareness on health and school.